Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Xmas Cookies 2007

Does one more Christmas
mean one less to come?
Such zero sums, if we confess,
can leave us pretty glum.

Our ancestors would mock us for
such sorry sentiments.
Their own woes in ancient wars
trump our predicaments.

So gather here again this year,
if it’s cookies that you crave.
Tea + coffee + thee + we =
a sum to make us brave.

Bruce & Martha & Cats
Drop in December 2007
Durham, England UK
No gifts. Bring kids, friends or jokes.
=> Ask for a parking token <=

Thanks Gaye Hinchliff for the cow pic!

Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Comparing Organic Urban Places (COUP) presenters at American Association of Geographers conference San Francisco Hilton, April 17, 2007

COUPers think international comparative research can help us understand organic food consumption. From left, Melissa Schafer (comparing Munich, FRG & Portland, Oregon); Jeanne Merrill (of the Michael Fields Institute analysed Minnesota & Wisconsin through the lens of Thomas Rochon's social movement theory); Paul Kledal & Lucie Sirieix (of GlobalOrg discussed qualitative research methods for urban places in Denmark, France & Brazil. Additional sites are China, Egypt & perhaps Uganda). Unseen is snapper Bruce Scholten (Seattle & Newcastle upon Tyne).

COUP co-convenors Melissa Schafer & Bruce Scholten go global at the San Francisco Hilton

Abstract for COUP held April 17, 2007

AAG San Francisco * ABSTRACT
Comparing Organic Urban Places (COUP):
Learning about periurban food systems around the world

Central questions of human geography can be explored in contemporary turns to organic and local foods. Why do people adapt differently to similar places? Or, similarly in different places? What urban parameters trigger organic consumption? A stereotype persists of the organic consumer as an affluent, educated, white woman. Yet, Hartman (2004) note over 50% of organic purchases in the US are by non-whites. What are the social-economic and regulatory factors that spur organic consumption in cities around the world?

One goal of this session was to explore the methodological dis/advantages of inter-national comparative research (qualitative, quantitative, or ethnographic) on alternative food networks (AFNs). Topics include sustainable urban food systems and actors such as local governments, NGOs, retailers, farmers' markets, and out-of-home (Ausserhausverflegung) consumption of organics in restaurants and institutions. We invite you to explore other factors influencing urban food systems, such as food scares, family farm structural change, and globalization. While the methodology of comparing cities is tricky (inviting the charge of comparing apples and oranges), there is promise in turning this charge on its head: Why can cities as different in cultural tradition and residential patterns as Munich (Germany) and Portland (OR) have such similar organic networks?

Key words: int'l comparative research, methodology, rural-urban organics

Convenors: Bruce Scholten (Durham Geography, UK) & Melissa Schafer.
Thanks for sponsorship, moral support and/or cash to:

* Urban Geography Specialty Group (AAG-UGSG)
* Rural Geography Specialty Group (AAG-RGSG)
* Centre for the Study of Cities and Regions (Durham CSCR)

Sunday, 13 May 2007

Slow Food Durham May 9, 2007. Che Vita's Chris discusses food. Back: Dr Atkins spoke on Slow Food Uni in Italy. Ahead: Edward of www.butterby.co.uk

Antje, Marek & others await dessert

Stirring the plot: Lucy, David, Bruce & 3 Tuns chef Michele

Backchat: David, Michele & Lucy. Front: Jingyi.

David and Faye toast slowly

Slow Food Durham May 9, 2007 at Che Vita. (This photo credit: Dana Bentia, University of Lancaster food researcher)

Thanks to CHE VITA Ristorante Italiano (DH1 1LJ Durham www.chevita.co.uk T: 0191 384 1010), esp. Paulo, Nuno, Maurizio - and Chris who regaled 40 of us with details on food sourcing. Slow Fooders care about local farms & restaurants almost as much as our own stomachs. We enjoyed another experiment in making good food last, networking and nattering about sustainability, quality and had a few laughs.
In mid-table, Jingyi (left) and Martha opposite say, 'Slow down & join us!'

The Slow Food Durham Committee
- Bruce Scholten for Lucy Smout, Sue Shaw, Pat Richardson, Pam Barmby, Angela Colbridge, David Tual & all. Durham info via info@slowfooddurham.org.uk

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Swiss firm Alicon AG can spot BSE prions in milk. COMMENTS?

The photo above, of an egret grooming its bovine friend on a raw milk farm in California, suggests agriculture could be more sustainable for animals, humans & the environment than it was at the nadir of the UK's mad cow nightmare in the 1980-90s.
Yet BSE/vCJD lingers and - if it is anything like the prion disease kuru in Papua New Guinea - we won't know the ultimate cost of BSE for decades.
Meanwhile Swiss firm Alicon AG claims it can reduce the uncertainties of dairy milk safety, by making it possible to quantify 'mad cow' prions in any type of milk. The report below from PLoS ONE is potentially groundbreaking. Scan it and tell us if you think it's bogus science - or a technical breakthrough.

Cheers - Bruce

Subject: Swiss start-up firm has succeeded in detecting prion proteins in the milk of humans, cows, sheep, and goats
Date: February 5, 2007 at 8:14 am PST
BSE: How Risky is it to Drink Milk?
Feb 4 2007, 10:00 PM EST

SCHLIEREN, Switzerland, February 5 /PRNewswire/ --

Prion proteins found in commercial milk

In a first-time global breakthrough, a Swiss start-up firm has succeeded in detecting prion proteins in the milk of humans, cows, sheep, and goats. This again raises the question of a "mad cow disease" risk from drinking milk. Tests are underway to verify disease-causing prions in milk.

Prions are known to be causes of neurological conditions such as Mad Cow disease (BSE) and Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease in human beings. The causative agent destroys the central nervous system in humans and animals. It is known that prions can also emerge in body fluids such as blood and be transferred by them. In the past it was difficult to estimate the risk of an infection through blood transfusion or drinking milk, since the concentration of prions in body fluids is very low; nor is there a sensitive method to identify prions. Moreover, the incubation time for infection in human beings can take 10 years or longer.

Prion proteins in milk from the supermarket

From a consumer standpoint, milk and milk products were regarded as safe up till now. But this situation could change, since a team of scientists from the biotechnology firm Alicon AG, headquartered at Schlieren in Canton Zurich, has managed for the first time to detect prion proteins in the milk of human beings, cows, sheep, and goats. Using Alicon's new technology, prion proteins were even found in homogenized and pasteurized milk on supermarket shelves, as reported recently in the international science journal Public Library of Science (PLoS ONE)(1).

In the case of the prion proteins detected, it is highly likely that they were of the normal variety posing no danger to health. However, the occurrence of the normal variety could mean that the milk of cows already infected with BSE also contains infectious prion proteins [i.e., prions] of the disease-causing variety. Alicon's head of research, Dr. Ralph Zahn, comments: "So far there has been no scientific basis for assuming that only 'healthy' prion proteins are present in milk and those causing disease were not."

Hence, beside blood and urine, milk is another body fluid in which prions causing disease could be present. As an American team of scientists has shown recently, infectious prions even arise in saliva.

Further research with infected animals

This finding coincides with a study conducted recently in this field by a Swiss prion researcher Adriano Aguzzi, an internationally recognized specialist. Aguzzi's research team at the University of Zurich showed that inflamed udder tissue found in sheep diseased with scrapie (a prion-induced ovine disease) actually contains infectious prions. The Alicon team is now continuing research work on the milk of infected animals. Research findings will show if milk is a potential carrier of BSE.

A possible answer to such a threat is introduction of a live BSE test and simultaneous scanning of dairy cows with BSE at an early stage. Alicon is offering the equipment needed for this. At present its team is working on completion of a rapid test to identify prions in milk and milk products.

Thumbnail sketch of Alicon AG

The biotechnology firm Alicon AG is a successful spin-off from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. Alicon AG was founded in 2004 and specializes in innovative technologies to identify and filter prions.

In the diagnostics sector, Alicon concentrates on development and marketing of the first BSE live test. It seeks to increase bio-security in meat and milk products.

Alicon is developing filtration-technology products to remove prions from body fluids such as blood plasma and urine. These will increase bio-security in medications.

Alicon technology is patented worldwide and allows the firm to market it exclusively worldwide.

(1) Sources

Franscini, N, A.E. Gedaily, U. Matthey, S. Franitza, M. Sy, et al. (2006) Prion Protein in Milk. PLoS ONE 1(1): e71. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0000071

Contact information

Dr. Ralph Zahn
alicon AG
Wagistrasse 23
CH-8952 Schlieren
Phone: +41-43-495-05-67
Fax: +41-43-495-05-69



Subject: Prion Protein in Milk
Date: January 14, 2007 at 5:41 pm PST
PLoS ONE. 2006; 1(1): e71.
Published online 2006 December 20. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0000071.
Copyright Franscini et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Prion Protein in Milk

Nicola Franscini,1 Ahmed El Gedaily,1 Ulrich Matthey,1 Susanne Franitza,1 Man-Sun Sy,2 Alexander Bürkle,3 Martin Groschup,4 Ueli Braun,5 and Ralph Zahn1*

1Alicon AG, Schlieren, Switzerland
2Institute of Pathology, Biomedical Research Building, Case Western University School of Medicine, Cleveland, Ohio, United States of America
3Lehrstuhl Molekulare Toxikologie, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
4Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Tiergesundheit, Greifswald, Gemany
5Departement für Nutztiere, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Matthew Baylis, Academic Editor

University of Liverpool, United Kingdom

* To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: info@alicon.ch
Conceived and designed the experiments: ZR FN EA MU FS RZ NF AE UM SF. Performed the experiments: FN EA MU FS NF AE UM SF. Analyzed the data: ZR FN EA MU FS RZ NF AE UM SF. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: AB MG SM BA GM BU MS UB. Wrote the paper: AB MG ZR FN BA GM BU RZ NF UB.

Received October 19, 2006; Accepted November 6, 2006.


Prions are known to cause transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE) after accumulation in the central nervous system. There is increasing evidence that prions are also present in body fluids and that prion infection by blood transmission is possible. The low concentration of the proteinaceous agent in body fluids and its long incubation time complicate epidemiologic analysis and estimation of spreading and thus the risk of human infection. This situation is particularly unsatisfactory for food and pharmaceutical industries, given the lack of sensitive tools for monitoring the infectious agent.

Methodology/Principal Findings
We have developed an adsorption matrix, Alicon PrioTrap®, which binds with high affinity and specificity to prion proteins. Thus we were able to identify prion protein (PrPC)–the precursor of prions (PrPSc)–in milk from humans, cows, sheep, and goats. The absolute amount of PrPC differs between the species (from µg/l range in sheep to ng/l range in human milk). PrPC is also found in homogenised and pasteurised off-the-shelf milk, and even ultrahigh temperature treatment only partially diminishes endogenous PrPC concentration.

In view of a recent study showing evidence of prion replication occurring in the mammary gland of scrapie infected sheep suffering from mastitis, the appearance of PrPC in milk implies the possibility that milk of TSE-infected animals serves as source for PrPSc.


Prion protein was detected in attempts to identify the infective agent of TSE [1], [2]. The finding that prion protein is present in normal and TSE-infected brain at similar levels [3], [4] suggests that the “cellular” prion protein (PrPC) constitutes a precursor of the “scrapie” prion protein (PrPSc) causing TSE such as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) in cattle or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) in humans. There is convincing evidence that the transition from precursor protein to infectious prion is due to a major conformational transition [5].

Prion protein is highly conserved among mammals [6]. It is primarily synthesized in cells of the central nervous system [7], but is also abundantly expressed in several peripheral tissues [8], [9]. An amino-terminal signal sequence targets prion protein to the endoplasmatic reticulum, where it transits the Golgi and ultimately reaches the external surface of the cell membrane [10]. There it is attached to a carboxy-terminal glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor [11]. The mature bovine protein of 217 amino acids contains two consensus acceptor sites for addition of N-linked polysaccharides [12].

Prion proteins (PrPC and PrPSc) have been detected in the cellular fraction of blood [13]–[17], but so far not in milk [18]–[21]. Considering that milk and milk products represent a major component of human nutrition it seems of particular importance to analyze milk for the presence of prion proteins. A first step in this direction is to determine the amount of PrPC in milk of healthy animals. If milk contains a significant amount of PrPC, this could indicate that PrPSc might be present in so far undetectable amounts in milk of TSE infected animals. However, the high concentration of total protein (about 40 mg/ml) and the high amount of lipids (about 35 mg/ml) in the milk make prion protein analysis by common biochemical methods demanding. We have therefore developed an adsorption matrix, Alicon PrioTrap®, which binds with high affinity and specificity to prion proteins PrPC and PrPSc. The exceptional binding properties of Alicon PrioTrap® result from hydrophilic and hydrophobic surface clusters that recognize different prion protein epitopes, allowing quantitative enrichment of extreme low quantity of prion proteins in body fluids and in biological tissues.


The detection of native PrPC after enrichment from 10 ml milk from cow, sheep, goat, and human using Alicon PrioTrap® is shown in figure 1. In cow milk three PrPC isoforms are observed with an apparent molecular mass of about 34 kD, 30 kD, and 27 kD corresponding to diglycosylated, monoglycosylated, and unglycosylated PrPC, respectively. In some preparations monoglycosylated PrPC appears as a double band, indicating that the two glycosylation sites may be linked to different carbohydrates. The apparent molecular mass of unglycosylated PrPC is slightly higher when compared to a recombinant bovine PrP(25–241) standard at 26 kD, indicating that native PrPC in milk contains a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchor [11]. About the same distribution of PrPC isoforms is observed for sheep, goat, and human milk, although the total amount of native PrPC significantly differs between the species. The relative ratio of sheep/cow/goat/human PrPC is estimated at 100/20/4/1. From experiments performed on sequential incubations with Alicon PrioTrap® the total concentration of PrPC in fresh cow milk can be estimated to be about 200 pg/ml. Taking into account the relative ratios of PrPC in milk of different species, fresh sheep milk and goat milk contain about 1 ng/ml and 40 pg/ml PrP, respectively. Human breast milk contains less than 10 pg/ml PrPC. The concentration of PrPC in Swiss off-the-shelf milk is reduced when compared to fresh milk, but prion protein can clearly be detected (Figure 1). About the same concentration of PrPC was measured for organic farm milk and non-organic farm milk as well as for pasteurized and ultra-high temperature (UHT) treated milk (data not shown).

To confirm specificity of immunochemical detection of PrPC in milk, we compared different anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies, which are directed against non-overlapping epitopes (Figure 2): PrP-mab 8B4 binds to residues 37-44 of mouse PrP [22]; mAB 6H4 targets residues 144-152 [23]; and PrP-mab 8H4 binds to residues 175-185 [24]. The three antibodies recognize the same proteins and thus confirm the presence of PrPC in milk. In control experiments, with non-PrP antibodies, e.g., anti-Tau protein monoclonal antibody (Chemicon International) (Figure 2) and anti-Aß monoclonal antibody (Calbiochem, Germany; data not shown), none of the PrPC isoforms was detected, thus confirming binding specificity of the anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies. An interesting observation with regard to antibody 8B4 is its “clear” detection profile when compared to 6H4 and 8H4 antibodies. This can be rationalized by 8B4 not recognizing a variety of carboxy-terminal fragments of milk PrPC, which appear as smear in the Western Blot.

We further compared the glycoforms of native prion protein in cow milk with those of bovine brain, a tissue where prion protein expression is well characterized. The glycoforms were identified by digestion with PNGase (Figure 3), an enzyme that cuts off oligosaccharides from N-linked glycoproteins, e.g., the two N-linked sugars of PrPC [12]. After partial cleavage with PNGase the upper PrP-isoform in the Western Blot representing diglycolysated PrPC (34 kD) disappears in favour of monoglycosylated (30 kD) and nonglycosylated PrPC (27 kD). In parallel, there seems to be a small shift from the higher molecular weight monoglycosylated form to the lower molecular weight form. A slight downshift of the monoglycosylated PrPC is also observed for brain homogenate after PNGase treatment (Figure 3). The diglycosylated PrPC isoforms differ slightly in molecular mass, indicating that carbohydrate structure of PrPC in milk and brain may not be identical. More stringent reaction conditions result in complete truncation of carbohydrates from PrPC. Most importantly, the apparent molecular masses of nonglycosylated PrPC in milk exactly matches with that of the corresponding PrPC in brain homogenate.

Alicon PrioTrap® can also be applied for elimination of prion protein from milk. As shown in Figure 4, after the first treatment of 10 ml milk with Alicon PrioTrap® more than 95% of endogenous PrPC was already removed, and after the second treatment PrPC was completely eliminated. However, the overall protein concentration (measured by bicinchoninic acid assay, Pierce) was constant with about 40 mg/ml before and after PrPC elimination. The protein composition of milk as analyzed by SDS PAGE (Figure 4) was not affected either. Prion protein was also completely removed, when milk was spiked with PrPSc from mouse Rocky Mountain Laboratory (RML) brain homogenate (data not shown). Thus, Alicon PrioTrap® can be used for enrichment and detection of overall prion protein in milk, but also for complete removal of prions.


Milk contributes 13% to the worldwide protein supply for humans. World milk production ranges around 500 million tons a year. Before fresh milk reaches the consumer, it is usually homogenized to reduce fat particle size in order to increase digestibility of the milk and heated. Surprisingly, pasteurisation (heating for 30 seconds to 72°C) and ultra-high temperature treatment (heating for 1–4 seconds to 135°C) only leads to a partial reduction of the amount of PrPC. This supports the observation that PrPC is highly stable in milk. Thus, the heating procedures used to inactivate DNA-containing pathogens are not sufficient to eliminate endogenous prion proteins.

The presence of PrPC in blood has been documented [14], [15], and is confirmed by our own unpublished observations. To produce one liter of milk, about 400 to 500 liters of blood must pass through the udder of a cow. It is thus possible that the PrPC found in milk derives from blood cells or, alternatively, has been secreted from glandular epithelial cells. Cell types that have been identified in milk from healthy cows are mainly macrophages, and other leucocytes. However, in our assay cells are completely removed by centrifugation. Therefore, the recovered PrPC is not cell associated but most likely binds to other proteins or lipids resulting in stable molecular complexes. The fact that milk contains full-length PrPC, very likely comprising the glycolipid anchor, indicates that prion protein was originally cell-bound and does not represent any of the amino-terminal truncation products of PrPC known to be released from normal cells under physiological conditions [25]. The detection of such a considerable expression of cell membrane bound or derived PrPC in milk constitutes one of the key requirements for the generation of infectious prions in the udder of infected animals.

Over the last 10 years, scientific groups, risk assessment agencies, and public health organizations have debated the TSE risk for milk and milk products [26], [27]. Epidemiological and bioassay data so far available have not provided evidence for milk to harbour prion infectivity and infectious prions have as yet not been detected by bioassays in the milk, colostrum or udder of clinical BSE cases in cow [18]–[21]. However, a recent statement of the European Food Safety Authority affirmed that based on a number of observations from research data, there are indications that infectivity in the milk from small ruminants can not be totally excluded [28]. Furthermore, the exclusion of animals with mastitis, an inflammation of the mammal gland, being able to destabilize the blood-milk barrier, is considered a measure able to reduce but not to eliminate the potential contamination risk [28]. The rational of this conclusion is confirmed by a recent study showing that in sheep naturally affected with both scrapie and lymphocyte or lymphofollicular mastitis, PrPSc accumulation was present in lymphoid follicles adjacent to milk ducts [29]. At least in natural sheep scrapie, prion replication can occur following a lymphotropic virus infection in the inflamed mammary gland. This study has not detected PrPSc or prion infectivity in milk itself. However, since under such inflammatory conditions, the total number of immune cells increases in milk of animals, it might be possible that infectious PrPSc is also passing through and reaches the milk. In this context milk from such animals could possibly be responsible for the spread of scrapie from the ewes to their offspring in affected sheep or goat flocks. Moreover, sheep and goat milk could also constitute a TSE exposure risk for mammals (humans) consuming these products.

The former Scientific Steering committee of the European Commission and the European Food Safety Authority recommend that research should intensify on the safety of milk of small ruminants with regard to TSE risk. Limited new data are expected to be published in the near future and there is still little research initiated in this area [28]. The Alicon PrioTrap® technology opens a new avenue for studying the biochemical characteristics of prion protein in milk and thus may contribute to offer a feasible approach to perform an appropriate study on the milk safety with regard to TSE risk.


Immunochemical PrPC detection
Concentrated milk and brain PrPC was denaturated in SDS sample buffer and heated at 70°C for 10 min and at 95°C for 5 min, respectively. Samples were applied to a 12% SDS polyacrylamide gel for electrophoresis and subsequently transferred to a PVDF membrane. The membrane was blocked with 2% ECL Advance™ blocking agent (Amersham) if probed with 8B4 antibody or 1% bovine serum albumin if probed with other antibodies used in this study. 8B4 antibody was incubated at a concentration of 450 ng/ml, 8H4 at 85 ng/ml, 6H4 at 285 ng/ml, and anti-Tau-1 at 50 ng/ml. Sheep anti-mouse IgG horseradish peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibody (Amersham) was incubated at a 1/20,000 dilution. The immunoreactivity was visualized by chemiluminesecence detection following the manufacture's instruction (ECL Advance Western Blot detection Kit, Amersham).

PNGase treatment of milk and brain PrPC
For PNGase treatment prion protein extracted from 10 ml cow milk or 10 µl of 1% (w/v) cow brain homogenate was incubated for 12 h at 37°C in buffer containing 100 mM sodium phosphate, 10 mM Tris-HCl, 1% NP-40, 1% MEGA-8, pH 8, and 1.5 units of N-Glycosidase F (Roche). Under more stringent cleavage conditions, proteins were denatured by heating for 10 minutes at 100°C in the presence of 0.5% SDS before treatment with 4 units of N-Glycosidase F.

Total milk protein detection
A milk volume corresponding to 40 µg total protein (1 µl) was heated in SDS loading buffer at 70°C for 10 min. After electrophoresis on a 12% SDS polyacrylamide gel, the proteins were detected by silver staining (SilverSNAP Stain kit II, Pierce).


We thank Theo Bearth, Roland Ermini, Peter May, Günter Kreissel, and Mathias Schmid for their generous support. We are grateful to Torsten Seuberlich from the NeuroCenter of the University of Bern for kindly providing us brain homogenate from cattle.


Competing Interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
Funding: The authors have no support or funding to report.

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----- Original Message -----
From: Hunt, William B.
Sent: Friday, February 09, 2007 8:36 AM
Subject: [SANET-MG] BSE transmission through cow milk?

Good Morning: Are there data regarding prions / BSE being present in cow milk? Thank you. Bill Hunt


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Tuesday, 6 February 2007

Riders for Health in Africa & World Economic Forum 2007

Moto-GP's official charity, the one Randy Mamola (with WMRRA sticker & on red bike above) has pushed since 1986, was invited to the World Economic Forum again in January 2007. Hit www.riders.org or read below about Biker Nurses in Africa!

Cheers, Bruce & Martha Scholten, volunteers in UK
P.S. Message BELOW from Riders.

From: Matthew Hann Sent: Thursday, February 01, 2007 4:04 PM
Subject: Riders News January 2007

Dear friends, colleagues and supporters,
2007 promises to be another exciting and busy year for Riders as we build on
the successes of our existing programmes as well as planning to expand our
work so that more people can benefit from essential healthcare. Thanks to
the dedication of our field teams we are already reaching 10.8 million
people and ensuring that your support brings real results to rural
communities in Africa.

Riders also continues to be at the very forefront of social enterprise
initiatives on a global level, with Riders co-founders Barry and Andrea
Coleman attending the World Economic Forum in Davos as members of the Schwab
Foundation for Social Entrepreneurism - an elite global network which is the
sister organisation of the WEF. The event gave Andrea and Barry the
opportunity to put Riders' work - and the vital issue of transport
management - firmly in the spotlight amongst the world's decision makers, at
a time when the issues of global health and development remain at the top of
the international agenda.

This year, Riders will step up its work towards ensuring that the most
vulnerable people in Africa have access to the kind of regular healthcare
taken for granted in the developed world, but we can only do this thanks to
the continuing commitment and enthusiasm of our supporters. Follow the links
below to read more about some of our supporters' latest exploits, or click
here to find out how you can help Riders for Health to achieve our goals in

An easy - and fun - way to support us is to join us at the hugely popular
Day of Champions at Donington Park. 2006 saw a record amount of money raised
for Riders, and 2007 promises to be even more successful. This year's event
will take place on 21st June, so make sure you put it in your diary! Tickets
are not yet on sale, but more details about the day will be coming soon so
watch this space.

Very best wishes,

The Riders Communications Team.

Events and fundraising news

01/02/2007: Riders for Health to Launch Fundraising Year in Style

Riders for Health, the official charity of MotoGP, are launching their 2007
fundraising campaign at the MCN London Motorcycle Show this week.

Read More: http://www.riders.org/en/html/archive_story.php?story=483

23/01/2007: Day of Champions 2007
Bookmark your diaries for 21st June 2007, Day of Champions!
Read more: http://www.riders.org/en/html/archive_story.php?story=482

17/01/2007: Thank you!
All of us at Riders for Health would like to thank everyone who donated so
generously to the BBC Lifeline Appeal. The money raised will have a huge
impact on people living in remote rural communities across Africa, who will
now be able to receive regular healthcare - sometimes for the first time in
their lives. We spent a day with Manyo Gibba, whose story was featured in
the programme, to find out how your support is making a big difference to
health workers like her, and to the people in their care.
Read more: http://www.riders.org/en/html/archive_story.php?story=481

Supporter News
29/01/2007: Banjul and Back for Fraser
Airline pilot and Riders supporter Fraser Woolley chose a less direct way of
getting to The Gambia this winter by completing the 9,000 mile journey from
Kent to Banjul on a motorbike.
Read more: http://www.riders.org/en/html/support_archive_story.php?story=22

29/01/2007: Four Ride Across UK For Riders
Staff from Cummins' Daventry Engine Plant completed a mammoth ride across
the UK to raise money for Riders for Health and recently presented Riders
with a cheque for £500

Read more: http://www.riders.org/en/html/support_archive_story.php?story=21

Motorcycles: Ancient history & racing near Seattle

This blog under construction since 6Feb07. Thanks for your patience!
Milk and Motorcycles is NOT an official WMRRA site - just chatter from an old racer & writer.
The Seattle-based club has been debating legality of non-OEM, i.e. cheap aftermarket parts like Suzuki subframes to hold down the cost of club racing. I claim that in the early years of the club, we did just that in the Super Cafe class, while restricting costly engine changes.

----- Original Message -----
From: Bruce Scholten
To: WMRRA members forum for racing discussion and club info
Cc: bruce.scholten@btopenworld.com
Sent: Sunday, February 04, 2007 2:36 PM
Subject: [WMRRA] ISO: 04/05 600/750 GSXR Subframe - Ancient history


Ancient history, but it's what I offer to help GSXR Subframes beat 'D-clips' for all time stats.

In 1974 or 1975-76 rules were written for 'Super Cafe' as a cheap class (to include Kaw Z1s, Ducati 860s, Laverdas, etc.) allowing lower bars, lighter 4-into-1 pipes & expansion chambers, K & N air filters, new carb jets, rearsets, cheap Girling or Boge-Mullholland rear shocks, S & W fork internals, different brake pads, and fairings (my Z1 had a Tz350 fairing), etc.

These were mostly bolt on modifications that 'cafe racers' of the 1970s made to proddie bikes, which came neekid with handlebars closer to ape-hangers than clip-ons. The noble idea was to tempt street squids to the relative safety of the racetrack. Super cafe was a relatively cheap class because folks kept their cheap bolt-ons, but expensive internal engine mods were banned.

To my mind, if Super Cafe were still alive today, WMRRA might allow cheaper after-market GSXR subframes, and even SharkSkinz fairings; alternators could be removed - but no overbores, special connecting rods or cams. As the manufacturers began to offer machinery ready for club racing, Super Cafe morphed into modified production classes, which were half filled by proddie riders. Memory fades, but Superbike began around 1979 when SIR hosted its first Superbike race (since Dick Mann won in 1971). Blah - blah.

Hope you guys & gals get on the track soon. I'm already having my annual 'it's pre-grid and I can't find my helmet' dreams.

My 2 pence,

Bruce in Blighty

Deja Moo: Are we ready for cloned cattle? Noo!

----- Original Message -----
From: FAO-Dairy-Outlook To: dairy-outlook-l@mailserv.fao.org
Sent: Wednesday, January 31, 2007 7:09 AM
Subject: FW: Deja Moo: Are we ready for cloned cattle? Noo!

FAO-Dairy-Outlook is a service provided by the FAO Trade and Markets DivisionVisit our webpage: http://www.fao.org/es/esc/en/20953/20999/index.html

Dear DOL,

Interesting remarks [BELOW] from Food Navigator and George Reynolds of FoodProductionDaily.com

I have not read 'the scientific evidence examined by US and EU regulators [that] indicates a cloned cow is no different from regular meat'. (Tell it to Dolly the Sheep.) However, I have read reports on other genetically-modified organisms (GMOs) and am not convinced - functional equivalence or not - that these technologically-adapted foods are as nutritious or safe to humans as their 'natural' forbears.

When I queried GM industry spokespersons in Brussels on the safety of recombinant dairy hormones (rBGH or rBST) in 1988, they admitted that rBST-enhanced milk bore more immuno-growth-factor-1 (IGF-1) than 'natural' milk. But they claimed this was a moo-oot point because all IGF-1 is destroyed in the stomach. However, Jeffrey M. Smith (book ref below) is among those who claim significant amounts of IGF-1 do pass the stomach and are absorbed in the intestines. Pinch me, or am I dreaming when I see more teen obesity in the USA since rBST was permitted in 1994?

I would be grateful if DOL-ers can alert me to another book as good as or more authoritative than this: Jeffrey M. Smith (2003) ‘Seeds of Deception: Exposing industry and government lies about the safety of the genetically engineered foods you’re eating’. Foreward by Frances Moore Lappe. 2nd edition. ISBN 0-9729665-8-7. Fairfield, Iowa: Yes! Books.

CLONING? Crucially, I argue that, as with GMOs, the arguments do NOT end on 'the single issue of whether food derived from GMOs is safe for public consumption’. So it is with cloning. The cloning debate includes not just human food safety, but also the biosphere including animal biodiversity, genetic robustness, social justice and other aspects of environmental sustainability.

That's just the beginning. We must also ask political economic questions like: Cui bono? Who profits from cloning? Farmers, consumers, economic stability - or a few investors? Will consumers buy milk from cows with spots in all the same places?

Much good has come from genetic research, and more is on the horizon. But, in my opinion, just because we can develop a technology inside the laboratory is no reason to deploy it commercially.

Bruce Scholten
Durham University (UK)

FAO-Dairy-Outlook is a service provided by the FAO Trade and Markets DivisionVisit our webpage: http://www.fao.org/es/esc/en/20953/20999/index.html

Comments anyone?Michael
Food Navigator29/01/2007 - Here we go again. Yet another technology in its infancy is likely to be introduced into the food supply, while industry remains cautious and consumers divided.The issue over cloned meat is not one of health and safety – the scientific evidence examined by US and EU regulators indicates a cloned cow is no different from regular meat.Instead the issue the industry must now face is whether it wants to test consumers' acceptance of such a new technology, given the current concerns – and controversy -- over the use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).Cloning may be safe and ultimately offer future benefit to the industry, but the controversy surrounding the entire issue demands that individuals must be allowed to make the choice of whether they want to buy products containing such foods.

This is why there is a strong case to be made that food industry organisations and politicans must now take immediate action to require labelling before the backlash grows.Labelling and a programme of education would put an end to most of the debate and take the fear factor being created by media headlines declaring cloning is creating a "freak show" on the farms – which harkens back to the “Frankenstein” language that was used to express distrust of GMOs.

One can already see the fault lines developing over the issue in the recent actions taken by US and EU regulators – a potential rift that could lead to the same consumer confusion that has arisen over the conflict between the two trading partners in the case of genetically modified organisms (GMOs).In the US, the regulator has issued a consultation proposing to allow cloned meat into the food chain without the need for labelling. In the case of the EU, regulators from member countries have said cloned meat – while safe – needs to go through its novel foods approval process as in the case of GMOs.And we know what happened to public opinion in Europe once the EU's food safety regulator began giving positive opinions on GMOs – approvals were blocked at the political level due to a consumer backlash.And the public is suspicious of cloned foods, because of the memories of past heath scares, the feeling that technology is being shoved down their throats without consultation, and a lack of understanding of the science involved.An independent study in the US indicates that 60 per cent of Americans would not knowingly eat cloned meat.

A 2002 EU survey found that Europeans were generally against any new foods that had been produced through new scientific advances – such as GMOs.A new tactic is therefore needed by the food industry.One could argue that the regulatory decision-making process begins and ends on the single issue of whether food derived from clones and their progeny is safe for public consumption.Theoritically and in practice, this is done by examining the scientific evidence and then making a risk-based assessement of the potential benefits and harm.

But once the regulators have finished with their part, the decision on actually introducing cloned food then enters the realm of politics, market economics and ethics.Railroading a cattle-train of clones into the food supply will simply serve to heighten fears and potentially cause a backlash against the food industry.George Reynolds is a reporter for FoodProductionDaily.com and FoodProductionDaily-USA.com. He has studied journalism and accounting.If you would like to comment on this article please contact george.reynolds 'at' decisionnews.com